Archive (or by tag)
The State of AI in 2025 (Jan 12, 2025)
There Are Levels To This Game: The 5 Stages of AI Adoption (Jul 28, 2024)
AI Disasters and How to Avoid Them, and Use Tools Like ChatGPT Effectively Without Risking Your Reputation and Career (Jun 5, 2024)
How To Build a Financial Market Data Chatbot with OpenBB and LangChain: A Step-by-Step Guide (Including Video and Code) (May 26, 2024)
Summarize a complete book using the giant context window in Gemini 1.5 (Mar 14, 2024)
Generative AI in 2024 (Feb 27, 2024)
Practical ChatGPT Prompting: 15 Patterns to Improve Your Prompts (Jan 13, 2024)
OpenAI DevDay (Nov 7, 2023)
Truth, Lies, and ChatGPT (Sep 15, 2023)
Bullshit (Sep 14, 2023)
ChatGPT, OpenAI, and the Generative AI Revolution (Mar 29, 2023)
NYC Subways and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad, Turnstile Data (Feb 12, 2023)
Numbers With Wings: A Modern Data Stack-In-A-Box (Jan 22, 2023)
Kant, Nietzsche, Elon Musk, SBF, wokeness, and the categorical imperative (Dec 17, 2022)
Time Series Analysis In Theory (Nov 26, 2022)
How I learned to stop worrying and love PCA: The optimal threshold for PCA dimensionality reduction (May 16, 2022)
Crypto systems, iron laws, and levels of resilience (Apr 16, 2022)
The AI Hierarchy of Needs (Mar 29, 2021)
Optimal Safe Withdrawal for Retirement Using Certainty-Equivalent Spending, Revisited (Feb 19, 2021)
What I would have written if I were Jack Dorsey (Jan 14, 2021)
Demystifying Portfolio Optimization with Python and CVXOPT (Dec 6, 2020)
Beyond Grid Search: Using Hyperopt, Optuna, and Ray Tune to hypercharge hyperparameter tuning for XGBoost and LightGBM (Oct 12, 2020)
Deploy a Microservice to AWS Elastic Container Service: The Harder Way and the Easier Way (Aug 27, 2020)
Cookie Cutter Machine Learning with Docker (Jul 20, 2020)
The Biggest Bluff: She Stoops To Conquer (Jul 9, 2020)
Deep Reinforcement Learning For Trading Applications (Alpha Architect) (Feb 26, 2020)
Forecasting US Equity Market Returns with Machine Learning (Alpha Architect) (Jan 7, 2020)
Understanding Classification Thresholds Using Isocurves (Oct 15, 2019)
Why Blockchain Is (Mostly) Useless (Sep 7, 2019)
There ain't no such thing as a free option (Jun 7, 2019)
On the end of the StreetEYE experiment. (Mar 31, 2019)
How I learned to stop worrying and love quantitative tightening (Feb 4, 2019)
The Top 100 People To Follow For Financial News On Twitter, January 2019 (Jan 5, 2019)
Machine Learning Classification Methods and Factor Investing (Alpha Architect) (Dec 21, 2018)
Jupyter Notebook on an AWS instance (Sep 29, 2018)
What I Learned From Watching The Sting And Reading David Maurer (Aug 25, 2018)
The Most Shared Financial Blogs 2018 (Jul 29, 2018)
Machine Learning for Financial Market Prediction — Time Series Prediction With Sklearn and Keras (Alpha Architect) (Jun 5, 2018)
Losing the meta-game (May 19, 2018)
Quantitative Fun With Fund Names (Feb 19, 2018)
The Bitcoin crash is coming (Dec 13, 2017)
Guns (Oct 8, 2017)
Machine Learning for Investors: A Primer (Alpha Architect) (Sep 27, 2017)
A Google teachable moment, or the end of Western civilization? (Aug 6, 2017)
UBI, health care, welfare economics and asshole economics (Jul 23, 2017)
The Top 100 People To Follow To Discover Financial News On Twitter, May 2017 (May 8, 2017)
Rethinking the marketplace of ideas (Mar 30, 2017)
Come back Kelly Evans! We'll be good this time! I promise! (Feb 19, 2017)
Some fun data-mining of StreetEYE headlines (Feb 5, 2017)
Is Silicon Valley Truly Libertarian? Is Politics Society's OS, Ripe For Disruption? (Jan 12, 2017)
Buyer’s markets, seller’s markets and the hedge fund hype cycle (Dec 29, 2016)
"Fake news", market designs, and the fascist/libertarian nexus (Nov 28, 2016)
Everyone lives in a bubble, and all models are overfitted (Nov 13, 2016)
Safe Retirement Spending Using Certainty Equivalent Values and TensorFlow (Aug 28, 2016)
The Game Theory of Assholes (Aug 20, 2016)
Pokémon economics, secular stagnation, and cognitive dissonance (Jul 31, 2016)
A fun 3D visualization of the financial Twittersphere (Jul 8, 2016)
Negative interest rates are an unnatural abomination (Jul 2, 2016)
Hillary’s damn emails (Jun 9, 2016)
The Top 100 People To Follow To Discover Financial News On Twitter, May 2016 (May 1, 2016)
A possibly ill-conceived rant on race in America (Mar 6, 2016)
What if everyone was a passive investor except Warren Buffett? (Feb 16, 2016)
Narratives Are Powerful, But Check the Math (Jan 24, 2016)
iPhone Backdoors for the FBI, a blockchain approach for transparent due process, and why it’s a bad idea (Jan 1, 2016)
The most popular keywords and sites of 2015 (Dec 29, 2015)
The End of the PC? On Intel’s Apple and ARM problems (Nov 16, 2015)
Is China’s sale of Treasurys ‘quantitative tightening’ for the US? (Oct 10, 2015)
The tontine: funny French name, brilliant idea (Sep 28, 2015)
God help us (Sep 5, 2015)
Smart Beta: Maybe Smart, But Definitely Not Beta (Aug 30, 2015)
The Mathematics of Bluffing (Aug 11, 2015)
Through the Looking Glass (Jul 18, 2015)
The Garbage Fire That is Greece (Jul 11, 2015)
4 blinding glimpses of the obvious on Greece (Jul 3, 2015)
Why does everyone hate libertarians? (May 16, 2015)
Don’t feed the trolls (May 9, 2015)
Are food stamps Walmart subsidies, and should the minimum wage be $15? (Apr 26, 2015)
The Top 100 People To Follow On Twitter For Financial News (Apr 20, 2015)
Mapping the Financial / Media Twittersphere (Apr 17, 2015)
Why Are There Recessions And Business Cycles? (Apr 12, 2015)
Gold as Part of a Long-Run Asset Allocation (update) (Apr 5, 2015)
Good risks and bad risks (Mar 30, 2015)
‘Net neutrality’, Netflix vs. the cable monopoly, and the Internet profits tax (Feb 26, 2015)
Andreessen v. Summers: Can you have robots, hoverboards, and secular stagnation? (Feb 20, 2015)
Game theory, Bill Belichick, Neville Chamberlain (Feb 5, 2015)
A Greece reading list (Or why the euro is doomed) (Feb 1, 2015)
PCs Were the Triumph of the Nerds; iPhone is the Revenge of the Cool Kids (Jan 27, 2015)
The Dark Web Stack, Or How To Eff Up The Net (Jan 23, 2015)
UberFail - a few thoughts on Uber (Jan 4, 2015)
A Piketty counterargument: Is r > g a reasonable assumption? (Oct 21, 2014)
Risk: Visualizing Diversification With Risk Triangles (Oct 5, 2014)
Risk: Why is volatility used to measure risk? (Sep 28, 2014)
Retirement plans that maximize certainty-equivalent spending (conclusion) (Jan 22, 2014)
Retirement plans that maximize certainty-equivalent spending, part 2 (Jan 19, 2014)
Optimal certainty-equivalent spending retirements with DataNitro (Jan 8, 2014)
Bitcoin is the Linux of payments. And its killer apps will be for US dollars. (Dec 29, 2013)
Why Bitcoin is here to stay (Nov 24, 2013)
Amazon is making money (Oct 28, 2013)
The StreetEYE manifesto (Oct 1, 2013)
Obama goes all-in on Inspector Clouseau for the Fed (Aug 13, 2013)
Risk arbitrage _ Investing and poker (Aug 2, 2013)
“Cat Food” Revisited: Final Thoughts - Part 4 (May 15, 2013)
‘Cat Food’ revisited – testing dynamic spending rules – Part 3 (Feb 18, 2013)
‘Cat Food’ revisited – testing dynamic spending rules – Part 2 (Feb 3, 2013)
‘Cat Food’ revisited: testing dynamic spending rules - Part 1 (Jan 25, 2013)
What’s the worst that could happen? (Jan 18, 2013)
‘Big Data’ (Jan 5, 2013)
What I Learned (Dec 30, 2012)
Social capital, or the lost art of not taking a dump in the community pool (Nov 4, 2012)
Broken Windows (Nov 1, 2012)
The Paul Ryan plan (Aug 12, 2012)
A Target2 Thought Experiment (Jun 5, 2012)
Domino on the edge (May 16, 2012)
Startup Growth v. Revenue (Apr 29, 2012)
How to Create the Ultimate Linkfest (Mar 25, 2012)
The Money Illusion (Mar 3, 2012)
The New Information Diet: Web and Social Media Best Practices For Investors (Feb 27, 2012)
Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson (Feb 22, 2012)
Buffett, Stocks, Bonds, Gold (Feb 13, 2012)
Is Facebook Worth $100B? (Feb 4, 2012)
Are long term asset class relationships stable? (Jan 23, 2012)
Portfolio Optimization and Efficient Frontiers in R (Jan 18, 2012)
Gold as Part of a Long-Run Asset Allocation (Jan 17, 2012)
Over-The-Top Speculations (Jan 4, 2012)
2012: Toilet bowl or takeoff? (Dec 23, 2011)
Once Again, Britain stands alone (Dec 10, 2011)
Unstoppable Forces vs. Immovable Objects (Dec 4, 2011)
Why only millionaires should play Powerball (Nov 28, 2011)
Margin Call - A Big Sell Out (Oct 28, 2011)
Occupying Ourselves (Oct 16, 2011)
Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 (Oct 6, 2011)
Apocalypse Now? (Sep 26, 2011)
Deleveraging: A Parable (Sep 17, 2011)
The Efficient Atmospheres Hypothesis (Sep 10, 2011)
Random Tech Comments (Sep 2, 2011)
Overhyped Economic Hurricane? (Aug 28, 2011)
‘Cat Food’ In An Age of Diminished Expectations (Aug 22, 2011)
Lucky Duckies and Red Herrings (Aug 11, 2011)
State of Play (Jul 30, 2011)
Fannie, Freddie, And The Causes Of The Financial Crisis (Jul 25, 2011)
The debt limit and the bond market (Jul 16, 2011)
ETFs: Get Off My Lawn! (Jun 29, 2011)
The Great Bitcoin Robbery (Jun 21, 2011)
100 traders, 100 boxes, part deux (Jun 7, 2011)
We make our tools, and then our tools make us (Jun 1, 2011)
The bottom is always at least 10% below your worst case expectation (May 25, 2011)
What is money? (May 15, 2011)
6 Reasons Why There Will Be No Chinese Jasmine Revolution (May 7, 2011)
Questions for Gentle Ben (Apr 27, 2011)
Can the US default on its debt? (Apr 19, 2011)
From the unthinkable to the inevitable: why the Euro is doomed (Apr 18, 2011)
Why I am not a libertarian (Apr 17, 2011)
‘Bretton Woods 2’ (Apr 16, 2011)
Why I am not a true gold bug, and the gold standard isn’t coming back (Apr 10, 2011)
Tech Trends (Apr 6, 2011)
Red Capitalism, Potemkin Finance: Behind Facade Of Modern Buildings, Institutions, State Directs Dysfunctional Markets (Apr 4, 2011)
China’s economy: future world domination, or paper tiger? (Apr 3, 2011)
Why did the Soviet Union collapse? (Apr 3, 2011)
China: society and politics, and what next? (Apr 2, 2011)
China: A history primer (Apr 1, 2011)